A great movie needs a great soundtrack. The action in the film needs to be driven and supported by music that perfectly matches the mood. Director Spike Jonze is aware of this, and was able to score big by hiring Karen O & The Kids to create a truly fitting soundtrack for Jonze's latest film Where The Wild Things Are.
Karen O, lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, uses her indie-rock roots to create a 14-song soundtrack that is equally as inspiring and adventurous as the movie.
The album, which features the songs chronologically as they appeared in the film, opens with a beautiful, lullaby-style tune entitled "Igloo." This song does its job by creating the imaginative, child-like atmosphere that fills the entire soundtrack.
The following song, "All Is Love," is the heart of the album. This track begins with the slow lullaby leftovers of the previous number, but quickly picks up with a driving bass, clapping hands and Max Records (child star of the movie) yelling, "One, Two, Ready, Go!" The rest of the song is filled with an up-tempo piano part, a children's choir and steady guitar strumming that make it necessary for the listener to either bob their head or stomp their feet in time with the music.
The remaining songs in the album deliver the same sound that takes the listener out of their own world and into Max's. The songs only vary in terms of their mood (happy, sad, scary, etc.) and tempo. The same basic instruments, percussion and vocals are used throughout the soundtrack.
Jonze could have easily paid someone to find 14 songs that fit the film and called it a soundtrack (like many filmmakers do), but instead he chose to hire an accomplished artist to create an original score for his movie. And if you see the film and listen to the soundtrack, you'll realize that he made the right choice.
Karen O, lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, uses her indie-rock roots to create a 14-song soundtrack that is equally as inspiring and adventurous as the movie.
The album, which features the songs chronologically as they appeared in the film, opens with a beautiful, lullaby-style tune entitled "Igloo." This song does its job by creating the imaginative, child-like atmosphere that fills the entire soundtrack.
The following song, "All Is Love," is the heart of the album. This track begins with the slow lullaby leftovers of the previous number, but quickly picks up with a driving bass, clapping hands and Max Records (child star of the movie) yelling, "One, Two, Ready, Go!" The rest of the song is filled with an up-tempo piano part, a children's choir and steady guitar strumming that make it necessary for the listener to either bob their head or stomp their feet in time with the music.
The remaining songs in the album deliver the same sound that takes the listener out of their own world and into Max's. The songs only vary in terms of their mood (happy, sad, scary, etc.) and tempo. The same basic instruments, percussion and vocals are used throughout the soundtrack.
Jonze could have easily paid someone to find 14 songs that fit the film and called it a soundtrack (like many filmmakers do), but instead he chose to hire an accomplished artist to create an original score for his movie. And if you see the film and listen to the soundtrack, you'll realize that he made the right choice.
Great review...I wanna hear the soundtrack now!